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    Skin Check & Mole Removal

    Dermoscopy assessment by a Consultant Dermatologist and a range of mole removal procedures offered, including histological diagnosis.

    Most fair-skinned individuals have between 20-50 moles. Moles tend to appear during childhood, however some moles appear in adulthood following sun exposure or hormonal changes. Harmless moles that are unsightly or irritating can be removed. Unusual looking moles or changing moles need to be examined by a dermatologist using a dermatoscope to rule out melanoma or non-melanoma skin cancer.

    Dr Nicole dermatology in Manchester, Cheshire & Lancashire offers a full skin check when you present with a skin lesion or a mole. It is important to note that not all dark spots are moles. Dr Nicole will examine the skin lesion of concern in detail using a dermatoscope (dermoscopy) and provide you with a diagnosis.

    Dr Nicole is trained in surgical dermatology and can perform mole removal or skin lesion removal treatment in Lancashire, Cheshire and Manchester whether it is on the face or body using the most appropriate surgical method including full surgical excision & shave excision. Incision and punch biopsies are also offered. Full aftercare is provided by Dr Nicole personally.

    • Performed by a Consultant Dermatologist with specialist experience in diagnosing and treating skin cancers and benign skin lesions
    • Comprehensive full skin assessment and dermoscopy for accurate diagnosis
    • Shave or excision removal offered with pathological diagnosis
    • Skin surgery techniques that will give the best cosmetic results
    • Comprehensive aftercare programme
    • No GP referral required

    There are different ways to remove a mole or a skin lesion, and these include:

    • Excision removal: the entire mole is cut away for examination by a pathologist under the microscope. This is done under local anaesthesia and the wound is closed with some stitches in the skin. A scar will remain, but usually fades with time.
    • Shave removal: a mole that sticks out from the skin can be shaved away with a scalpel. This is done under local anaesthesia. No stitches are required for this procedure. A pink or brown flat mark will remain on the skin, but usually fades with time. This type of shave removal is suitable for harmless moles on the face where minimal scarring is desired.

    To book a consultation, or for more information on our mole removal treatment at Dr Nicole Dermatology based in Manchester, Lancashire & Cheshire, call us on: 0161 236 6500, email us on: or visit fill in our online contact form.

    Skin Check & Mole Removal Gallery

      • Dr Nicole Dermatology | Manchester | Warrington | Cheshire
      • Dr Nicole Dermatology | Manchester | Warrington | Cheshire
      • Before & After - FULL EXCISION *individual results may vary
      • Dr Nicole Dermatology | Manchester | Warrington | Cheshire
      • Dr Nicole Dermatology | Manchester | Warrington | Cheshire
      • Before & After - SHAVE EXCISION *individual results may vary
      • Dr Nicole Dermatology | Manchester | Warrington | Cheshire
      • Dr Nicole Dermatology | Manchester | Warrington | Cheshire
      • Before & After - FULL EXCISION *individual results may vary
      • Dr Nicole Dermatology | Manchester | Warrington | Cheshire
      • Dr Nicole Dermatology | Manchester | Warrington | Cheshire
      • Before & After - SHAVE EXCISION *individual results may vary

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    About Skin Check & Mole Removal
      • What is a mole?

        A mole appears when there is a cluster of pigment cells (melanocytes) in the skin. A mole can appear as a skin-coloured, brown, or black spot in the skin and the colour of the mole depends on where the pigment cells lie within the skin.

      • What causes moles?

        Although we do not know what exactly causes the pigment cells (melanocytes) to multiply in nests and form a mole; we know that a number of factors such as genetics, hormones, sun (UV light) exposure and the immune system influence the number of moles we have.

        People who have a family history of multiple moles, tend to also have multiple moles themselves. Moles tend to appear or become darker after sun exposure. New moles can appear or existing moles can become darker during pregnancy. People who are immunosuppressed can also have more moles.

      • Can moles be prevented?

        Sun protection is the most important step in preventing new moles from appearing. Also, avoiding excessive sun exposure and sunburn can reduce the risk of skin cancer.

      • How can I monitor my moles?

        The best way to monitor a mole is to measure the size, and photograph the mole. It is then important to check for any changes regularly (e.g. once a month) in terms of size, border, colour and appearance by comparing it with previous photographs.

        If there are any changes to a mole, you should consider getting the mole checked by a dermatologist.

      • How do I know if my mole needs to be checked by a dermatologist?

        Generally speaking, if a mole has any of the features below , you should consider getting it checked by a dermatologist to rule out a skin cancer:

        • A mole that looks different from other moles on your body
        • Asymmetrical
        • Irregular borders
        • Multiple, different shades of colour
        • Large size eg. >7mm
        • Rapidly growing
        • Change in size, colour or border
        • Painful or itchy mole
      • What can the skin lesion be, apart from being a mole?

        There are many other skin lesions that can appear as a brown or skin colored spot. These can be

        • Dermatofibroma: a harmless brown or skin-colored lump that commonly appears on the skin of the lower legs
        • Cyst: a round lesion that contains fluid or semi-fluid material in the skin
        • Seborrhoeic keratosis: a harmless, warty skin growth
        • Blue naevus: a harmless, dark blue mole with pigment cells lying deeper than in brown moles
        • Lentigo: a persistent small, dark spot in the skin usually due to exposure to ultraviolet light
        • Freckle / ephelis: temporary brown spots on the skin due to exposure to ultraviolet light
        • Skin cancer: three main types of skin cancers – basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma; these lesions need to be removed and examined under the microscope

    1 Consultation

    At consultation, the mole or skin lesion of concern will be assessed with history and dermoscopy. A full skin check is offered when you present with a skin lesion or a mole.

    2 The Treatment

    A range of surgical methods will be discussed to remove the skin lesion or mole of concern. Dr Nicole will perform the most appropriate treatment option for you.

    3 Aftercare

    Aftercare instructions will be provided to ensure that excellent cosmetic results are achieved. If stitches are required as part of the procedure, full aftercare services will be provided.

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